Monday 27 February 2012

Starting up a business.

I've always been very creative. I've been making and creating things for as long as I was physically able to and, since starting the wedding planning, I've realised there's so much I could do with this. As part of a forum of lovely ladies, each creative post made by me was constantly followed up with the advice to get myself out there and make some money from it. I've always been the type to want an etsy shop. I've always been the type who constantly needs to create and do something. But before last night, I was of the impression that literally all that was needed was a few products for inital to start up to show what I can do and a shop name. How wrong was I?! It turns out there is, in fact, a whole legal side to it that needs to be taken care of. Whilst I have every faith in me being able to do, we can't afford to be playing about with what little money we have coming in whilst still planning our wedding. So from here until November, I'm going to research research research, find the best advice I can and get my creative hat on to produce some examples and things like shop names so that I'm literally ready to go as soon as the wedding is over. Excited? Very much so. My plan? Wedding stationery.

I was lying in bed at stupid o'clock this morning unable to sleep and dawdling about the world wide web when I decided to see if I could make a go of something. I'd already pretty much decided that I didn't want to stop at just weddings but wasn't sure if I'd be able to come up with anything else. This is what I produced: A baby shower invite.

I'm actually really proud of it! It's something that I would buy. It's a little different. A little bit quirky, I think. Which is exactly what I want from my business. Anyone could design the super simplistic, modern wedding invitations you see around the place a lot but these are so much better in my opinion. I definitely feel if I carry on like above, I'd be a good rival to a lot of those sellers on etsy! I suppose it helps that I'm in Britain; I haven't come across many more "quirky" stationery suppliers so far. I'm sure they're out there! I just haven't found many. In fact, I can only think of one off of the top of my head and she's very well known in the Rock n Roll Bride blog world. Not that I can remember her name!


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