Friday 24 February 2012

The dress!

My wedding dress has been one hell of a journey.

I've always known from the start that I wanted a tea length dress. It's more me. I'll be more comfortable. Plus, it means I get to have amazing shoes that will actually be seen! I had no idea of what I wanted other than tea length and, after a long day on google, I found Justin Alexander and fell in love. My one single visit to a dress shop was purely because they stocked his collection.

So along my mum and I went. I tried on 3 of his dresses and fell in love. It was the one. Until a few days later. This carried on for about 5 or 6 dresses. I'd fall overwhelmingly in love with one for a few days and then I'd start noticing little bits that I hated. Until I found this one! I can't find a single thing to fault about it!

My mum came over to the house to visit today and she'd always planned to buy my dress. So today, we ordered it along with my veil!

Here she is:

And the veil!

I found the dress on etsy (PixiePocket) and the veil is from folksy. Both complete bargains! The total price for both came in at under £200.

I should hopefully receive my veil within a relatively short amount of time but I've got a wait ahead for my dress... about a 6 to 8 week wait if my calculations are correct! She's got to be made and shipped from New Zealand. I'm kind of amused that my dress shall be better travelled than I am ;)


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